Sunday, September 8, 2013

Doggy Drawings

Just a little doodling while surfing the internet.

As you can tell I've got doggy fever. We wanted to adopt this weekend but the shelter wasn't open. :(

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quick Caricature

Not much more explanation.  Just a quick caricature of a guy I saw on yahoo today.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Character Randomizer

So this isn't the most inspired drawing but I wanted to post it anyway.  I was stumped but I wanted to draw something tonight so I used the Character Attribute Randomizer to get started.  Mine was: Medium, Thin; Royal; Dog-like; Shield, so this is what I ended up with.  A little on the nose but I don't hate it.  I also am in love with Boston Terriers (pugs, frenchies, bulldogs and pretty much every other bullie for that matter too) so that's where I started.

I still need to get out to some life drawing (because I draw the same pose every time), and I still need a damn scanner. Thanks for the scanner, Willie!

*oops meant to leave a comment not an edit. This makes me think that Angus is the mentally challenged family embarassment of this royal doggy family
I learned how to play this and worked on my puppets instead of my comic tonight
, but you're definitely giving me some pressure to get back to the comic board  -Alonso

Monday, July 8, 2013

Some Ink Drawing

Did this little sketch in preparation for our comic page project.  I'm honestly no good with light & shadow, but ink is really appealing to me, so I guess I should work more on lighting.  I just like how unruly a brush is sometimes.  It's freeing to use sloppy tools sometimes.

Next step is way out of my comfort zone... Writing.  I could stand to better my planning skills in all of my artwork so I guess this will be a nice work-out for that muscle.

Also, I need to get a scanner. Thanks for the scanner, Willie!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sigurd - By Steve

I wanted to get something up and I've been trying to draw at least a little every morning so this is my idea of Sigurd. I tried to get his shattered/repaired sword, and his horse Grani, descendant of Sleipnir. I kind of wanted to give the horse multiple legs like Sleipnir but there's no mention of any such features for Grani.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

She's after you

Sigurd and family

Had to draw the dwarf brothers to come up with a visual language. Drawing the hero is hard, so bland, but I like this chubby dim version with peach fuzz beard. Good enough for now, unless my opponent enters the field and inspires me to a greater effort. some abandoned hero attempts.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Inspector Cluezo leads the way

Check out this post

Legend of the Boneknapper -First pass version from Sandro Cleuzo on Vimeo.

This is my first pass that I do after I plan the shot in thumbnail format....After my first pass [of thumbs], I make a pencil test to see if the action is working and I might do some adjustments. As you can see, in my first pass I am not concerned about the drawings, only the action and acting. I use simple shapes only and not much detail.

Just Runnin

As I was drawing this guy again I realized that his head is a copy of Knuckles from the Sonic & Knuckles game. I used to copy his silhouette off the cover and trace him off the screen with the game paused. It's strange how these things show up from memories.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Daily Occurance in the kitchen Doorframe

He also chimneys between his dinner chair and the wall, and always walks along the top of the sofa.
5 year olds :P

1000 bad drawings right? so does that mean it'll take fewer gifs? Maybe I should try on paper and scanning.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sigurd next character challenge

Here's the topic for the next character jam, when are we saying? Monday?

I think Monday sounds good for a weekly deadline/new topic. -Steve

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Topic 1: Dudes With Swords

Inspired by:

l ugg, took way to long for something so lame, but "hey it's a first"

After wrestling software that I originally thought would work super simply and export easily, I admitted defeat and decided to post what I have so far. At least it's finally moving. On to the next one.